Northeast Corridor Connector: Bannerman Road
As approved in 2014, the Northeast Connector Corridor: Bannerman Road project includes the widening of Bannerman Road from Thomasville Road to Tekesta Drive, as well as multimodal and stormwater improvements from Tekesta Drive to North Meridian Road. The Northeast Connector project also includes construction of three sidewalk projects in the neighborhood surrounding Bannerman Road, and expansion of the Greenways System by constructing the Meridian Road Trail from Bannerman Road south to Lake Overstreet.
Based on the results of a Traffic Feasibility Analysis, which examined future traffic capacity and supporting infrastructure needs along the Bannerman Road corridor, the project was expanded in September 2020. To mitigate future traffic congestion, improve safety, and increase multimodal accessibility, the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency Board of Directors approved widening Bannerman Road to four lanes from Thomasville Road to Preservation Road, and adding a median and turn lanes to the two-lane roadway from Preservation Road to Meridian Road.
The implementation of the Meridian Greenway from Bannerman Road to the Forestmeadows-Lake Overstreet Trailhead is currently included in the scope of the Northeast Connector Corridor Project. This project will create an approximately 3.75-mile long shared-use trail project serving pedestrians, runners, hikers, bicyclists, and other non-motorized users. The Greenway is anticipated to connect Elinor Klapp-Phipps Park and Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park to the Northeast, Bannerman Road, and the new extension of the Orchard Pond Greenway. The Feasibility Study for this project was completed in late Summer 2023 and the next step in this project is design.
Meridian Greenway Feasibility Study
Blueprint Project Manager: Megan Doherty
Consultant Team: RS&H
- Final Engineering Report Executive Summary
- Final Engineering Report without Appendices
- Final Engineering Report
- Final Engineering Report Appendices
Project Snapshot – Northeast Connector Bannerman Road