Fairgrounds Beautification and Improvement

On February 29, 2024, the Intergovernmental Agency Board accepted the Fairgrounds Master Plan and directed staff to initiate the design of the improvements using the $30 million in project funding. The Fairgrounds Master Plan is a comprehensive, visionary plan of action that provides the framework to realize the property’s untapped potential as a community asset. Improvements include: a new outdoor building with indoor meeting space and restrooms, a central green with park pavilions, renovations to existing restrooms, new Capital Park ballfields, parking improvements around Gene Cox Stadium, utility upgrades, and new stormwater ponds with park-like amenities.

Market Study Summary

On December 9, 2021, the Intergovernmental Agency Board accepted the Fairgrounds Market Feasibility Report, which recommended the continued operations of the Fair at its current location, and that targeted improvements, future upgrades to current facilities, and redevelopment opportunities for property be identified through a master plan process.


Project Managers:

Eric Mason

Project Snapshot – Fairground Beautification and Improvement