Project Description
The IA Board has allocated $15 million, in annual installments of $750,000, to the Blueprint 2020 Build the Bike Route System (BRS) Project. Each year the IA Board approves the Bike Route System Annual Work Program consistent with the following process:
- Leveraging opportunities with Blueprint, City, County and private road projects that have bicycle facility improvements identified.
- Tier 1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) Projects.
- Projects identified as part of a Facilities Gap Analysis completed by the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department.
Approved Annual Work Programs
- Approved FY 2022 Bike Route System Annual Work Program
- Approved FY 2023 Bike Route System Annual Work Program
- Approved FY 2024 Bike Route System Annual Work Program
Project timeline quarters are defined as:
Project Manager
Alexander Delgado
Downtown-University Protected Bike Lane Project
The approximately 2.5-mile project will provide a protected bike lane network that will run along West Pensacola Street from Tallahassee City Hall to Florida State University, then back downtown along St. Augustine and West Madison Streets, and south along South Adams Street to the Capital Cascades Trail.
Eric Mason is the project manager for this project.
Ridge Road Trail
The 2-mile Ridge Road Tier 1 BPMP Major Project will connect Crawfordville Road and the Tallahassee-St. Marks Historic Railroad State Trail to Springsax Road.
Ridge Road Trail Feasibility Study
Blair Stone Road Trail
The 1.81 mile Blair Stone Road BPMP Tier 1 Major Project would complete a major gap in the bicycle network on Blair Stone Road from Governor’s Square Boulevard to Orange Avenue.
Blair Stone Trail Feasibility Study
Southwest Area Bike Route System Project
The SW Area BRS Connector includes a BPMP Tier 1 Neighborhood Network project. It would provide a north-south connection between the Tallahassee Museum, the Florida State University (FSU) reservation, the FSU Intramural fields (Southwest Rec SportsPlex), and neighborhoods along Pensacola Street and Jackson Bluff Road, and would connect to the Blueprint University Greenway Project.