Since 2000 Blueprint, has expended over $12 million through its Sensitive Lands Acquisition Program to acquire over 1,400 acres of some of the most environmentally sensitive lands in Leon County. These properties are in the St. Marks River, Fred George and Lake Lafayette Basins. All of the protected properties protected include one or more sinkholes, wetlands, swamps and streams. Safeguarding these parcels prevents development, which protects our area’s waterbodies and drinking water.
- Lake Lafayette Floodplain: 174 acres purchased in 2012 and transferred to Leon County for management
- Marks Headwaters: Blueprint 2000 has preserved over 1,079 acres in the Headwaters of the St. Marks River. These properties were transferred to Leon County and are now managed by the County.
- Fred George Basin Property: 174 acres
- Lafayette Heritage Trail Canopy Walkway: Blueprint provided $500,000 toward the cost of constructing the walkway over the CSX railroad tracks. The walkway provides a critical greenway connection between the City’s Lafayette Heritage Trail Park and the County’s J.R. Alford Greenway.
Blueprint solicits grants and low-cost funding to decrease project costs and enhance programs. Through grants, partnerships and donations, Blueprint has applied over $5.4 million in additional funding to the sensitive-lands projects.